Cause and Common Symptoms of Blood Cancer (Leukemia)

 Blood Cancer (Leukemia) Overview

Microscopic illustration of blood cancer

Blood Cancer (Leukemia) at a Glance

The main type of blood cancer is leukemia, which affects the creation and function of blood cells. These three main groups include leukemia, myeloma, and lymphoma.

Cause of Blood Cancer (Leukemia)

Smoking, radiation exposure, and exposure to chemicals like benzene have all been connected to a greater risk of certain types of blood cancers. However, HIV and human T-cell leukemia/lymphoma virus, and Epstein-Barr virus infections are known to be risk factors for developing leukemias and lymphomas.

Symptoms & Signs of Blood Cancer (Leukemia)

Although each form of blood cancer is unique, they may share common signs and symptoms. Common symptoms may include:

  • Painless, swollen lymph nodes in armpits, neck, or groin
  • Coughing or chest pain
  • Breathlessness
  • Chills or fevers
  • Persistent exhaustion and weakness
  • Frequent infections
  • Night sweats
  • Rash or itchy skin
  • Nausea
  • Loss of appetite

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