Cause and Common Symptoms of Bone Cancer

Bone Cancer Overview

Osteosarcoma Photograph - Bone Cancer by Cnri/science Photo Library

Bone Cancer at a Glance

Although bone cancer is rare, several types of cancer can begin in the bones. The most common types, Ewing and osteosarcoma tumors, take place frequently in kids and teens. It destroys tissue before it starts spreading to other organs in your body.

Bone Cancer Cause

The gene changes which result in bone cancer are generally acquired while living instead of inheriting from either parent. A potential cause can be radiotherapy treatment, for previous exposure to high doses of radiation might cause major cancerous changes in bone cells.

Bone Cancer Symptoms & Signs

Bone cancer could affect any bone in your body, but the majority of cases develop in the long bones of upper arms or legs. The main symptoms may include:

  • problems moving around such as walking with a limp
  • persistent bone pain which worsens with time and continues well into the night
  • a weak bone which breaks, or fractures, more readily than usual
  • swelling and redness over a bone that could make any movement harder if the affected bone is close to a joint
  • an observable lump over a bone

If you or one of your children are experiencing lasting, extreme or worsening bone pain, see your general physician.

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