Cause and Common Symptoms of Kidney Cancer

 Kidney Cancer Overview

Kidney Cancer at a Glance

Kidney cancer is a cancer which generally starts in the kidneys, the size of a fist and located behind your abdominal organs, on either side of the spine.

Renal cell carcinoma happens to be the most common form of kidney cancer in adults. Other less common forms of kidney may occur. Young children are prone to develop a type of kidney cancer known as Wilms' tumor.

Kidney Cancer Cause

Kidney cancer comes about when DNA in cells in one or both kidneys start mutating, which in turn might result in unregulated cell division and rapid growth.

Kidney Cancer Symptoms and Signs

Early cases of kidney cancers generally don't yield signs or symptoms, but bigger ones may. Some potential symptoms and signs of kidney cancer can include:

  • Anemia
  • A persistent fever which isn't caused by an infection
  • Weight loss not caused through dieting
  • Reduced or loss of appetite
  • Exhaustion
  • A lump on lower back or side
  • Low back pain on one side (non-injury related)
  • Blood in your urine

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