Cause and Common Symptoms of Testicular Cancer

 Testicular Cancer Overview

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Testicular Cancer at a Glance

Testicular cancer occurs when cancerous cells develop in the testicle's tissues. Though growth of cancer cells may take place in both testicles, this is rather rare. In fact, testicular cancer is a very common cancer in men ages from 20 to 35.

Testicular Cancer Cause

Undescended testicles, or cryptorchidism, is the number one risk factor for testicular cancer. About 3 to 5% of boys are born with their testicles inside their abdomen. They generally descend into the scrotum in the first year of life, except in certain boys the testicles don't descend.

Testicular Cancer Symptoms

Most common symptoms or signs of cancer which develops in the testicles may include the following:

  • Swollen or expanded breasts caused by the secretion of hormones which stimulate breast growth via the testicular tumor
  • Hard nodules or lumps on either testicle or a change in how the testicle feels or appears
  • Discomfort, pain, or a feeling of heaviness in the scrotum
  • A dull ache in the scrotum or lower abdomen
  • Swelling in the scrotum, at times caused by an unexpected build-up of fluid
Be fully aware that some testicular cancers don't produce symptoms. Also, a number of non-cancerous conditions may produce symptoms very similar to a testicular tumor like testicular inflammation and viral infection.

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