Cisplatin MOA, Dosage, Cost, Side Effects, Survival Rate

 Cisplatin FAQ

Celon Cytoplatin - 50 Injection ( Cisplatin) Medicine Supplier, Packaging Type: Bottle

What is Cisplatin?

It's a chemotherapy medication used to treat head and neck, bladder, ovarian, lung and cervical, and testicular cancer.

Cisplatin (MOA) Mechanism of Action

The drug works by inducing its cytotoxic properties via binding to nuclear DNA and subsequent interference with normal transcription, and/or DNA replication mechanisms.

Cisplatin Dosage

It's given at a dose of 100 mg/m2 IV per cycle once every four weeks.

Cost / Price of Cisplatin

An intravenous solution supply of 50 milliliters of cisplatin costs about $16.

Cisplatin Generic

Cisplatin is the generic name for Platinol.

Cisplatin Side Effects

The most common side effects include:

  • dizziness
  • drowsiness
  • black, tarry stools
  • feeling of fullness in the ears
  • troubled breathing
  • cough or hoarseness
  • fever or chills
  • blood in stools or urine
  • increased thirst
  • numbness, painful, tingling, or burning sensations
  • change in amount of urine or frequency of urination
  • loss of appetite
  • loss of balance
  • loss of hearing
  • lower back or side pain
  • vomiting or nausea
  • difficult or painful urination
  • pinpoint red spots on skin
  • buzzing or ringing in the ears
  • swelling of the lower legs or feet
  • trouble in hearing
  • awkwardness or unsteadiness
  • uncommon bruising or bleeding
  • weakness in the feet, legs, hands, or arms

Cisplatin Survival Rate

The five-year relapse-free survival rate was 50.9%.

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