Cause and Common Symptoms of Stomach / Gastric Cancer

 Stomach / Gastric Cancer Overview

Diagram of stomach tumorStomach / Gastric Cancer at a Glance

Stomach cancer starts typically when cancer cells develop in your stomach's inner lining and then can penetrate deeper. These cells could multiply and turn into a tumor.

Stomach / Gastric Cancer Cause

The causes of stomach cancer range from family history, smoking, obesity, infection from Helicobacter pylori bacteria, a diet high in salt and processed food.

Stomach / Gastric Cancer Symptoms & Signs

Although there exist no early symptoms or signs of stomach cancer, symptoms are frequently noticeable in the advanced stage. They include:
  • Unexpected weight loss
  • Loss of appetite
  • Persistent vomiting and nausea
  • Severe and lasting indigestion
  • Severe and lasting heartburn
  • Feeling of fullness, despite eating rather little
  • Exhaustion
  • Bloating of stomach, particularly after eating
  • Stomach pain that worsens after eating

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