Cause and Common Symptoms of Ovarian Cancer

 Ovarian Cancer Overview

Ovarian cancer

Ovarian Cancer at a Glance

Ovarian cancer is a growth of cells which develops in the ovaries. These cancerous cells multiply fast and may spread and destroy healthy body tissue.

Ovarian cancer frequently is unnoticeable till it has spread within the stomach and pelvis. Ovarian cancer is harder to treat at a late stage and can prove fatal. Ovarian cancer usually displays no symptoms during the early stages.

Ovarian Cancer Cause

The genes which boost the risk of ovarian cancer are BRCA1 and BRCA2, which also increase the danger of breast cancer. Many other gene modifications are now known to increase the danger of ovarian cancer such as gene changes connected with genes RAD51D, RAD51C, and BRIP1 and Lynch syndrome.

Ovarian Cancer Symptoms and Signs

Ovarian Cancer might cause a number of symptoms and signs. The most common symptoms may include:

  • Urinary symptoms like urgency or frequency
  • Bloating
  • Trouble eating or feeling full fast
  • Pelvic or belly pain
When ovarian cancer is the cause, these symptoms usually persist and become more frequent or more severe.

Other symptoms of ovarian cancer could include the following: 

  • Abdominal swelling with weight loss
  • Exhaustion
  • Changes in a woman's period like irregular bleeding or heavier bleeding than usual
  • Upset stomach
  • Constipation
  • Pain during intercourse
  • Back pain

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