Cause and Common Symptoms of Cervical Cancer

 Cervical Cancer Overview

Cervical Cancer at a Glance

Cervical cancer is a kind of cancer which takes place in the cells of the cervix, which lies in the lower part of the uterus that links to the vagina.

Over 90% of women with stage zero survive 5 year following diagnosis. Stage l cervical cancer sufferers experience a 5-year survival rate ranging from 80% to 93%. Women with stage ll cervical cancer have a 5-year survival rate that varies from 58% to 63%. And the survival rate for women with stage 3 cervical cancer is between 32% to 35%.

Cervical Cancer Cause

Almost all cases of cervical cancer are related to HPV, a cluster of common viruses which might spread from person to person through sexual contact.

Cervical Cancer Symptoms

Bear in mind that symptoms do generally show up with early-stage cervical cancer. With cases of advanced cervical cancer, the symptoms might be more extreme depending on the organs and tissues to which the disease has spread.

Some of these can be symptoms of cervical cancer:

  • Bleeding after menopause
  • Increased vaginal discharge
  • Inexplicable, persistent back and/or pelvic pain
  • Blood spots or light bleeding between or after periods
  • Bleeding following douching, a pelvic examination, or intercourse
  • Pain during sexual intercourse
  • Menstrual bleeding which is heavier and longer than normal

If you have one or more of these symptoms, see your doctor as soon as possible.

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