Gazyva MOA, Dosage, Cost, Side effects, Survival Rate

 Gazyva FAQ


What is Gazyva?

It's a medication used to treat blood cancer.

Gazyva (MOA) Mechanism of Action

It's thought to work when antibody binding directly destroys B-cells. Complement Dependent Cytotoxicity recruits specialized immune cell proteins which kill B-cells.

Gazyva Dosage

The recommended dose is 1000 mg given intravenously, except for the first, for 6 cycles; each cycle has 28 days.

Cost / Price of Gazyva

A supply of 40 milliliters of Gazyva intravenous solution costs about $7,697, without health insurance.

Gazyva Generic

Its generic name is obinutuzumab.

Gazyva Side Effects

The common side effects may include:

  • infusion reactions
  • nausea
  • vomiting
  • diarrhea
  • high blood pressure
  • flushing
  • headache
  • fever
  • chills
  • cough
  • low white blood cell counts
  • low platelet
  • low red blood cell counts

Gazyva Survival Rate

Median survival without cancer recurrence was 27 months among patients taking Gazyva/chlorambucil combination.

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